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Intuitive Psychic Reader & Healer

I can help you move forward in life

All classes are online via Zoom (unless otherwise stated).

Neshla Avey

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  3. Neshla Avey
Events from this organiser

Intro to the psychic world

This workshop is an interactive one where you will discover all types of psychic skills and how to use them. You will understand yourself and how you can use your psychic gifts.  The class is designed for those who are new to the psychic world or to those who want to brush up their skills.  A great day of psychic development. A folder is provided with notes for you to take home. This course has 12 spaces


Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 1 Practitioner

Become attuned to this wonderful 5th dimensional healing modality, which works on the heart centre, releasing all negativity and fear based thinking. It works on the pink ray of unconditional love with angels and ascended masters. It is a gentle, yet very powerful vibration and is perfect to be used at this time in our existence. This cost is £175 per head and this includes a bound manual, a certificate and on going support. Booking is essential.


Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 1 Practitioner

Become attuned to this wonderful 5th dimensional healing modality, which works on the heart centre, releasing all negativity and fear based thinking. It works on the pink ray of unconditional love with angels and ascended masters. It is a gentle, yet very powerful vibration and is perfect to be used at this time in our existence. This cost is £175 per head and this includes a bound manual, a certificate and on going support. Booking is essential.


Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 1 Practitioner

Become attuned to this wonderful 5th dimensional healing modality, which works on the heart centre, releasing all negativity and fear based thinking. It works on the pink ray of unconditional love with angels and ascended masters. It is a gentle, yet very powerful vibration and is perfect to be used at this time in our existence. This cost is £175 per head and this includes  a bound manual, a certificate and on going support. Booking is essential.


Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 1 Practitioner

Become attuned to this wonderful 5th dimensional healing modality, which works on the heart centre, releasing all negativity and fear based thinking. It works on the pink ray of unconditional love with angels and ascended masters. It is a gentle, yet very powerful vibration and is perfect to be used at this time in our existence. This cost is £175 per head and this includes a bound manual, a certificate and on going support. Booking is essential.


Oracle card readings Monthly Workshop

On the first Wednesday of every month Neshla runs a psychic workshop. Each month a different subject is covered and it is run on a drop in basis.  It is an opportunity to meet like minded people and is only £10 per head to include refreshments and a free raffle.It is open to all from the complete novice to the more experienced.   It is an interactive class so gives you a chance to practice your psychic skills in a safe and friendly environment. £10 per head incl. refreshments and a free raffle. No need to pre-book, just turn up.

Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 1 Practitioner

Become attuned to this wonderful 5th dimensional healing modality, which works on the heart centre, releasing all negativity and fear based thinking. It works on the pink ray of unconditional love with angels and ascended masters. It is a gentle, yet very powerful vibration and is perfect to be used at this time in our existence. This cost is £175 per head and this includes  a bound manual, a certificate and on going support. Booking is essential.


Mind, Body, Spirit Fayre

Neshla has been running the popular Warsash fayre for six years, twice a year and always has a variety of different stallholders and therapies. Come along and enjoy a day out pampering yourself as well as treating yourself to what is on offer. The fayres always make a donation to charity. Saturday 18th May 10-5pm & Sunday 19th May 10-4pm, Victory Hall, Warsash  Neshla will once again be running this popular fayre with a variety of stalls including aura photography, crystals, spirit guide portraits, reiki, rahanni, reflexology, angel and tarot card readings, rune readings, incence, candles, plus so much more. Only £3 entrance fee which supports our charity Autism Isolation No More! Refreshements are available all day long. Download event flyer

Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 2 Teacher

If you have been a practitioner for six months or more and want to expand your vibration and teach others then this level is right for you.  You will need to be able to provide 2-3 testimonials and be able to answer questions about Rahanni and will be taught how to attune others to both practitioner and teacher level. The cost is £275 per head and this includes a bound manual, a certificate and on going support. Booking is essential.

Developing your intuition via Zoom (Morning)

Zoom Class Online, United Kingdom

Find out ways how to trust your intuition, what type of psychic you are and how to increase your awareness. Monthly Psychic Development classes: These classes are held on the 1st Tuesday (morning session) & Wednesday (evening session) of the month and are a fun way for you to develop psychically and connect with like minded people via zoom. Booking is essential for you to receive the link to join the class.


Developing your intuition via Zoom (Evening)

Zoom Class Online, United Kingdom

Find out ways how to trust your intuition, what type of psychic you are and how to increase your awareness. Monthly Psychic Development classes: These classes are held on the 1st Tuesday (morning session) & Wednesday (evening session) of the month and are a fun way for you to develop psychically and connect with like minded people via zoom. Booking is essential for you to receive the link to join the class.


Basic Palmistry and face reading (Morning)

Zoom Class Online, United Kingdom

Find out yourself and others personality traits by how they write. Monthly Psychic Development classes: These classes are held on the 1st Tuesday (morning session) & Wednesday (evening session) of the month and are a fun way for you to develop psychically and connect with like minded people via zoom. Booking is essential for you to receive the link to join the class.


Introduction to The Psychic World – Develop your Psychic Skills

This one day workshop covers the basics and teaches you the difference between each type of psychic - find out what skills you have.  We also do some practice work with psychometry, dowsing, card readings etc.  A fun and interactive workshop.  You will also have handouts to take home with you. Booking is essential as spaces are limited.


Past Lives via Zoom (Morning)

Zoom Class Online, United Kingdom

Explore past lives and how they can affect you in this one. Monthly Psychic Development classes: These classes are held on the 1st Tuesday (morning session) & Wednesday (evening session) of the month and are a fun way for you to develop psychically and connect with like minded people via zoom. Booking is essential for you to receive the link to join the class.


Past Lives via Zoom (Evening)

Zoom Class Online, United Kingdom

Explore past lives and how they can affect you in this one. Monthly Psychic Development classes: These classes are held on the 1st Tuesday (morning session) & Wednesday (evening session) of the month and are a fun way for you to develop psychically and connect with like minded people via zoom. Booking is essential for you to receive the link to join the class.


Spirit Guides via Zoom (Morning)

Zoom Class Online, United Kingdom

Discover the different types of spirit guides and how to work with yours. Monthly Psychic Development classes: These classes are held on the 1st Tuesday (morning session) & Wednesday (evening session) of the month and are a fun way for you to develop psychically and connect with like minded people via zoom. Booking is essential for you to receive the link to join the class.


Spirit Guides via Zoom (Evening)

Zoom Class Online, United Kingdom

Discover the different types of spirit guides and how to work with yours. Monthly Psychic Development classes: These classes are held on the 1st Tuesday (morning session) & Wednesday (evening session) of the month and are a fun way for you to develop psychically and connect with like minded people via zoom. Booking is essential for you to receive the link to join the class.


The Basics of Astrology via Zoom

Zoom Class Online, United Kingdom

Want to understand what makes us all different and how two people of the same star sign can be totally opposite? This class will teach you the sun signs, house, ruling planets and how to interpret a birth chart. You will need a copy of your birth chart in order to work with this for the day. One day workshop to help you learn the basics of astrology and how to interpret a birth chart.  On this workshop you will learn about the different zodiac signs and how a chart can make us all so unique.


Ascension Level 1 Class

This class will help you understand yourself better, learn why you are here and help you to understand spirituality. We learn about our IAM presence, the 5D chakras, the violet flame, our soul and monad, ascended masters and so much more.  An activation is given each week as well as handouts.  You need to complete this course in the right order, however, it is not necessary to do all five levels. Spaces are limited to a small group so we can work together and grow spiritually. Booking is essential.


Rahanni Celestial Healing Level 1 Practitioner

Become attuned to this wonderful 5th dimensional healing modality, which works on the heart centre, releasing all negativity and fear based thinking. It works on the pink ray of unconditional love with angels and ascended masters. This class is via Zoom. See the Rahanni page for further details. It is a gentle, yet very powerful vibration and is perfect to be used at this time in our existence. This cost is £195 per head and this includes a bound manual, a certificate and on going support. Booking is essential.


Angels and Christmas fun

On the first Wednesday of every month Neshla runs a psychic workshop. Each month a different subject is covered and it is run on a drop in basis.  It is an opportunity to meet like minded people and is only £10 per head to include refreshments and a free raffle.It is open to all from the complete novice to the more experienced.   It is an interactive class so gives you a chance to practice your psychic skills in a safe and friendly environment. £10 per head incl. refreshments and a free raffle. No need to pre-book, just turn up.

Working with angels via Zoom (Morning)

Zoom Class Online, United Kingdom

How to connect with angels and work with them to help us. Monthly Psychic Development classes: These classes are held on the 1st Tuesday (morning session) & Wednesday (evening session) of the month and are a fun way for you to develop psychically and connect with like minded people via zoom. Booking is essential for you to receive the link to join the class.


Ascension one day workshop – Level 2 via zoom

Zoom Class Online, United Kingdom

Expand your knowledge and vibration with this second workshop.  This time we will be looking at Atlantis, Lemuria, the seven planes of existence, spiritual retreats and so much more.  Meet like minded souls via zoom on this one day workshop. You need to have done level 1 to join this workshop.


Ascension one day workshop – Level 3 via Zoom

Zoom Class Online, United Kingdom

On this level we go even deeper and learn about starseeds, the great white brotherhood, sacred geometry, and the great central sun. Meet like minded souls via zoom on this one day workshop. You need to have done levels one and two to join this workshop.


Rahanni Celestial Healing – Level 2 Teaching

If you have done the Level One (practitioner) and have been practising Rahanni for at least six months, you might like to do the teacher level.  You will also need to provide a couple of testimonials from clients/friends. You don’t have to teach others, but you will learn more about Rahanni as well as raising your spiritual vibration. You will need to understand Rahanni well but we will go over Rahanni and how to teach it and you will learn the sacred symbols to be able to attune both practitioners and teachers.  You will also be provided with a bound teaching manual, a certificate and the sacred teaching symbols.  The cost is £295. Booking is essential.  A £25 deposit will secure your place. You will be supported all the way.

Rahanni Celestial Healing – Level 2 Teaching

If you have done the Level One (practitioner) and have been practising Rahanni for at least six months, you might like to do the teacher level on a one to one basis.   You don’t have to teach others, but you will learn more about Rahanni as well as raising your spiritual vibration. You will need to understand Rahanni well and also be able to provide two to three testimonials from clients/friends/family.   BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL.  A £25 deposit will secure your place.  The cost is £295 and includes a bound manual and certificate. You will be supported all the way.

Learn the Tarot – 2 Day Course via Zoom

Zoom Class Online, United Kingdom

Rather than learning from a book this intensive course is designed to teach you the basics and how to read the cards intuitively. It is so much easier in a group and Neshla teaches you an easy way to understand the cards and their basic meanings.  You will also learn how to do simple spreads and be able to read for others. See the testimonials. Some people Neshla have taught have gone on to be professional readers. It is all about practice and confidence. This course sets you on the right path. A pack of the Learner Tarot cards and a certificate of completion is also provided.


Learn the Tarot – 6 week Course via Zoom

Zoom Class Online, United Kingdom

A six week tarot course running on Wednesdays from 1st November through to 6th December at 7pm-8.30pm.Rather than learning from a book this intensive course is designed to teach you the basics and how to read the cards intuitively.It is so much easier in a group and Neshla teaches you an easy way to understand the cards and their basic meanings. You will also learn how to do simple spreads and be able to read for others. See the testimonials. Some people Neshla have taught have gone on to be professional readers. It is all about practice and confidence. This course sets you on the right path.A pack of the Learner Tarot cards and a certificate of completion is also provided.


Angels and Angel cards Workshop

Zoom Class Online, United Kingdom

Angels and Angel cards If you want to know more about the angels and how they can help us then this is the class for you.  We will also work with angel cards and have a go at reading them.  This class is open to all so come and meet liked minded people and expand your knowledge of the angelic realm.    This is open to all, whether you have experience or not. They are interactive classes so you will learn new skills along the way. Only £15 for the session. Booking is essential for you to receive the link to join the class.
