Whenever one seeks healing or a reading, often times it is when the waters are choppy, and uncertainty is looming.
I heard about Neshla through a trusted connection. I was unsure and found myself at the end of the rope. Yet I remained prayerful and trusting in God’s guidance. So, I truly believe Neshla was/is part of my divine path.
She was present, extremely attentive and very much in tune with my spirit. There are things she shared that seemed so farfetched at the time and almost borderline insane. But I will ask you to trust her. One by one, I checked off the reading. What was impossible became possible. What was true, just and righteous; all came to pass.
I am a Christian and I believe strongly in Christ and His teachings. Readings was something I stayed away from. Neshla will not tamper with your beliefs, no matter what they are. You will find that she will align with what is pure and what is right. Without shying away from absolute truths. Be prepared, because sometimes pain lies ahead.
No one has all the answers, but I strongly believe some are chosen to guide and heal. Neshla is defiantly one of them.