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Intuitive Psychic Reader & Healer

I can help you move forward in life

Divine Empowerment® Vibrational Healing


Neshla is a Level 6 Divine Empowerment practitioner and loves working with this new energy to help people let go of the emotions around any trauma or pain.

Why Divine Empowerment?

This vibrational healing can be done online.  You just need to be able to sit in the energy so that Neshla can dissolve the emotions and release them.   Whatever experiences we have in life we hold onto the emotions around them and this healing can dissolve the energy from painful emotions we carry.  If we hold onto them too long then it can manifest as physical pain.

What can it help with?

Emotional Release – Letting go of past experiences which are holding us back

Trauma Release – Letting go of shock from incidents which are held in the body

Physical Relief – Letting go of the emotions behind physical pain