What is it?
A series of videos teaching you step by step how to read tarot cards. Using Neshla’s unique cards you can understand the basics of the tarot. By learning the basic meanings of all 78 cards you will be able work with these until you feel confident enough to start using a more comprehensive deck.
The ideal accompaniment to help you learn the tarot.
How does the course work?
Many of my students tell me it is easier to learn by listening to a person rather than just reading a book. The idea of this simple step by step course is for you to take your own time, going back over lessons you are not sure of and to keep practising. You will be able to grasp one section at a time and go away and practice before moving onto the next.
Can I do the course more than once?
Once you have paid to do the course you can log in as many times as you want to refresh your skills. Once you have completed the course keep practising when you can on people in order to continue developing your intuition.